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RLA Encourages Members to Help Charities with Gone for Good
This article is an external press release originally published on the Landlord News website, which has now been migrated to the Just Landlords blog.
The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) has announced its support for Gone for Good, a smartphone app that encourages businesses and individuals to donate unwanted products and goods to charities.
Last week, we revealed how Gone for Good can help landlords across the country get rid of clutter in their rental properties and support a good cause at the same time.
RLA Encourages Members to Help Charities with Gone for Good
Following a successful pilot stage in Greater Manchester, Gone for Good rolled out across the UK earlier in the year. It aims to help charities raise the vital funds they need and stop unwanted items ending up in landfill.
The app matches those wanting to dispose of items in their properties with charities that are actively looking for certain goods and will collect them for free.
Gone for Good is especially useful for landlords, who often have to clear out goods left over by tenants or themselves have furniture or items that they are able to donate when they refurbish a property.
The firm aims to re-channel 6% of the saleable clothing and other items that currently end up in landfill. If it achieves this goal, charity shop income will double, meaning that good causes receive more support.
The app also enables users to give away their unwanted belongings to charity from the comfort of their own homes.
The CEO of the RLA, Andrew Goodacre, explains: “We are delighted to be supporting this innovative and important social enterprise.
“Gone for Good is quick and easy to use, and its values fit squarely with our own. We know that our members like to act responsibly in terms of disposing of unwanted items in their properties. The app helps them to do so, reducing waste whilst at the same time supporting charities and local communities as well.”
The Managing Director of Gone for Good, Mark Charnock, adds: “Gone for Good underpins the work that the RLA does in encouraging a well-managed and professional residential rental market. The app helps landlords manage their properties more easily and saves them money, whilst helping good causes. It’s a win-win for everybody concerned.
“We have had such a positive response to the Gone for Good app from businesses, the public and charities across the UK, and are delighted that the RLA and its members are able to support us.”
Download the app now from Google Play or the App Store and help out charities in your area!